How PLUVICTO may help
According to the VISION trial, PLUVICTO can help men:
Live longer – overall survival, or OS
Delay progression – radiographic progression-free survival, or rPFS
Shrink tumors – overall response rate, or ORR
See the clinical trial results.
VISION included 831 men with PSMA+ prostate cancer that spread outside their prostate. They were divided into two groups:
551 men were treated with PLUVICTO plus standard therapy*
PLUVICTO was given once every 6 weeks for up to 6 treatments
280 men were treated with standard therapy alone
*Standard therapy was chosen by a doctor from among existing approved treatments and did not include chemotherapy, immunotherapy, systemic isotopes like radium-223 (223Ra), or drugs still being studied.
Live longer with PLUVICTO (OS)
The VISION clinical trial measured OS. Median OS is the length of time half of the men in the study were still alive.
Results have been rounded. Men treated with PLUVICTO plus standard therapy lived a median of 15.3 months vs 11.3 months with standard therapy alone.
More time without cancer worsening (rPFS)†
The VISION clinical trial measured rPFS. Median rPFS is the time when half of the men in the study were still alive without their cancer spreading or getting worse.†
Results have been rounded. Men treated with PLUVICTO plus standard therapy were still alive without their cancer spreading or getting worse for a median of 8.7 months vs 3.4 months with standard therapy alone.
†rPFS results may be misread. In the clinical trial, many patients treated with standard therapy alone dropped out early.
Tumors are more likely to shrink with PLUVICTO (ORR)
The VISION trial measured ORR, which measures the impact of PLUVICTO on tumors. It includes Complete Response (CR) and Partial Response (PR).
CR: 6% with PLUVICTO vs 0% with standard therapy
PR: 24% with PLUVICTO vs 2% with standard therapy
ORR was the percentage of men who saw their tumors disappear (CR) or shrink (PR).
PSA Response‡
The VISION trial also measured the percentage of men whose PSA level dropped by at least 50%.
If PSA was 100 ng/mL before the clinical trial, then VISION would measure the PSA level if it dropped to 50 ng/mL or lower.‡
‡Measuring PSA response was not the main goal of the VISION trial. It was not statistically significant. It does not impact the results for OS or rPFS.